Figuratively Speaking

This assignment asked us to create a figurative image having a deeper meaning than what the audience first sees. The first image I took a picture of the woods when I went to my cousins' house over Thanksgiving break.  While I was taking the image, my relatives were at the bottom walking into the woods. This represents how small we are compared to the world.  We make look big compared to others but compared to these woods we were very tiny.  The second image shows my friend throwing a snowball.  This shows the power and how much one friend of mine wants to hit another friend of mine.  They were having a mini snowball fight in the courtyard, yet this image demonstrates how hard one can throw a snowball.  The force used to throw the snowball can be seen by all of the snow flying off of the snowball.  Emotions such as anger could be expressed throughout this image.  I worked very hard on this assignment and tried to take the best pictures that properly conveyed the emotions and perspectives I wished to capture. 


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